- Le principe jour-année est-il bibliquement valable ?
- Les bêtes de Daniel 7 sont-elles vraiment une répétition du rêve de la statue de Nebucadnetsar ?
- Quelle est la durée de 2300 « soirs et matins » ?
- La prophétie de la Seconde Venue de Daniel 8 :14 (« 2300 ans ») commence-t-elle en même temps que la prophétie de la Première Venue de Daniel 9 ?
- Que doit-on retenir du « Continuel »?
- Qu'est-ce que l'abomination de la désolation ?
- Quelles sont les preuves pour ou contre chaque point de la chronologie de la prophétie Adventiste de 2300 ans qui a aboutie en 1844 ?
- Que signifie ‘une meilleure compréhension des chronologies de Daniel et de l'Apocalypse’ ? Ces prophéties sont-elles vraiment pour la fin, comme Daniel l'a déclaré, et donc encore à venir ?
- Comment le calendrier des fêtes s'intègre-t-il dans la chronologie de la fin des deux livres ?
- Comment Ellen White s'inscrit-elle dans la compréhension Adventiste de 1844 ?
- L'Église Adventiste du Septième Jour a-t-elle été transparente sur le sujet de 1844 ?
Réexaminer 1844: Une Meilleure Compréhension – Livre Numérique CATEGORIE DE PRODUIT: Livres (téléchargeables). Une fois votre commande terminée, le fichier de téléchargement sera immédiatement disponible à l'écran. Vous recevrez également un lien de téléchargement par mail à la fin de votre commande. DESCRIPTION DU PRODUIT: Le 22 Octobre 1844 – Que s’est-il passé ? Peu importe de quelle confession une personne vient, qu'elle soit baptiste, pentecôtiste, catholique, méthodiste, luthérienne, témoin de Jéhovah, mormone, Église de Dieu, adventistes du septième jour, etc., il y a toujours des enseignements distincts qui sont liés à chaque communauté, église ou dénomination. Quels que soient vos antécédents, il est très probable que vous puissiez regarder en arrière et voir des enseignements que vous avez maintenant rejetés. Vous arrive-t-il d'avoir à cœur d'aider ceux qui croient encore aux traditions des hommes? Réexaminer 1844 : Une meilleure compréhension est notre tentative d'encourager les adventistes du septième jour à aller de l'avant dans leur compréhension prophétique, à être plus en accord avec l'enseignement biblique. Mais ce livre ne concerne pas seulement les adventistes. Si vous avez le désir de mieux comprendre les livres de Daniel et de l'Apocalypse, ce livre est fait pour vous. Il y a beaucoup plus dans ce livre que de la théologie adventiste. C'est un livre pour aujourd'hui. Dans ce livre, vous explorerez avec nous les sujets suivants :
CATÉGORIE DE PRODUIT : Livres (téléchargeables). Une fois votre commande terminée, le fichier de téléchargement sera immédiatement disponible à l'écran. Vous recevrez également un lien de téléchargement par mail à la fin de votre commande. DESCRIPTION DU PRODUIT : Notre Maître, mieux que quiconque, comprenait la nécessité du dévoilement de la vérité aux générations successives. C'est Yeshua qui a dit : « J'ai encore beaucoup de choses à vous dire, mais vous ne pouvez pas les supporter maintenant. Quand le défenseur sera venu, l'Esprit de la vérité, il vous conduira dans toute la vérité, car il ne parlera pas de lui-même, mais il dira tout ce qu'il aura entendu et vous annoncera les choses à venir. » Jean 16 :12, 13 Dans Restauration des Fêtes de l’Eternel, l'auteur Tom Stapleton, déclare qu'aujourd'hui, alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'œuvre de la Réforme, Dieu nous appelle à restaurer Ses Fêtes. Étudiant de la Bible depuis plus de 30 ans, Stapleton dit que, contrairement à la croyance populaire, les fêtes de l’Eternel n'ont pas atteint leur accomplissement à la mort de Yeshua ; mais plutôt que le récit biblique contient de nombreux exemples prouvant que celles-ci ont continué à être célébrées jusqu'à la fin. Stapleton affirme qu'il est temps que les chrétiens rétablissent la célébration de la Pâque, la Fête des Pains sans Levain, la Pentecôte, la Fête des Trompettes, le Jour des Expiations et la Fête des Tabernacles. « Pour de nombreuses raisons les chrétiens devraient célébrer les fêtes de l’Eternel », dit Stapleton, « chacune indique un aspect différent du plan du salut et, ensemble, elles l’enseignent dans sa plénitude. » C’est par l'intermédiaire de l'église Adventiste du Septième Jour que Stapleton a entendu parler du sabbat pour la première fois. Après une étude plus approfondie, des fêtes il a découvert qu’elles n'avaient pas été supprimées comme l'enseigne l'Église adventiste du septième jour. Par conséquent, il a pris l'initiative d'écrire un livre expliquant la validité de l'observance des fêtes pour l'église chrétienne. De nos jours, les anciennes fêtes bibliques sont à nouveau un sujet d’étude dans de nombreux cercles chrétiens, car les gens reconnaissent leur but et leur pertinence dans la vie chrétienne moderne. Pour ceux qui ne sont pas familiers avec ce sujet, Restauration des Fêtes de l’Eternel vous apportera des aperçus clairs, concis et bibliquement solides. À PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR : Tom Stapleton est un étudiant et un enseignant de la parole de Dieu depuis 1984. Dès le début, il s'intéressa vivement aux prophéties bibliques de la fin des temps, et plus particulièrement aux livres de Daniel et de l'Apocalypse. Il a fait quelque chose d'unique, lier l'accomplissement des fêtes annuelles de l’Eternel aux prophéties de Daniel et de l'Apocalypse. Cette pièce manquante du puzzle a apporté une compréhension beaucoup plus profonde de la chronologie des temps spécifiées qui se dérouleront à la fin de l'histoire de cette terre. La compréhension de Tom est maintenant examinée par de nombreuses personnes dans le monde entier. Contactez Tom si vous souhaitez parrainer un séminaire sur la prophétie biblique de la fin des temps dans votre région. CONTACTEZ-NOUS : Pour contacter Tom, veuillez utiliser le lien « Contactez-nous » en haut de chaque page. POLITIQUE CONCERNANT LES DONS : Tous les prix indiqués sont des suggestions. Notre objectif est de fournir de la documentation pour vos besoins de témoignage. Si vous n'avez pas les moyens de faire le don suggéré, nous vous demandons de donner ce que vous pouvez, et nous remplirons votre commande si possible. Vous aurez également la possibilité de faire un don à part une fois prêts à compléter votre commande. Tous les montants saisis sont en dollars américains. DON SUGGÉRÉ : 12,00 $ en dollars américains. POUR TÉLÉCHARGER : Cliquez sur le nom du fichier bleu en bas à droite (sous la colonne « Télécharger ») sur l'écran de confirmation de votre commande qui apparaît immédiatement après sa finalisation. Merci.
“Les Sages Comprendront”: Daniel & Apocalypse – Livre Numérique CATÉGORIE DE PRODUIT : Livres (téléchargeables). Une fois votre commande terminée, le fichier de téléchargement sera immédiatement disponible à l'écran. Vous recevrez également un lien de téléchargement par mail à la fin de votre commande. DESCRIPTION DU PRODUIT : Les derniers événements de Daniel et de l'Apocalypse sont en cours de déroulement. Vous trouverez l’évidence concrète de ce fait au travers des détails de ce livre, évidence si simple que même un enfant peut comprendre. Ce livre contient les informations dont tu as besoin aujourd’hui. De nombreuses personnes refusent d’étudier les livres de Daniel et de l’Apocalypse car ils les trouvent trop effrayants. Il est vrai que nous allons entrer dans des « temps périlleux » et que certaines prophéties ont des aspects effrayants. Bien que Dieu ne soit pas responsable des maux qui viennent sur le monde, Il doit leur permettre de se produire pour que l’on comprenne ce qui arrive lorsqu’on lui tourne le dos, et que l’on soit en mesure de prendre la décision de tourner notre face vers Lui. Dieu, dans son amour infini, nous a donné le libre choix. Certains ont choisi de se rebeller contre son amour et son gouvernement, et les résultats seront des temps périlleux. C'est l'amour de Dieu qui a rendu nécessaire qu'il nous révèle l'avenir afin que nous puissions nous préparer à ce qui vient. Il reviendra bientôt pour restaurer ce qui a été perdu au commencement, « le royaume préparé pour vous dès la fondation du monde » (Matthieu 25 :34). L'auteur Tom Stapleton dévoilera les prophéties de Daniel et de l'Apocalypse directement à partir des gros titres d'aujourd'hui, et en parfaite concordance avec le calendrier des Fêtes établi par Dieu. Nous pouvons savoir à l'avance ce qui va arriver afin de nous mettre à l'abri avant la tempête. Surtout ne vous y trompez pas, une tempête arrive, implacable dans sa fureur. Beaucoup périront à cause du manque de connaissance (Osée 4 :6). Puissiez-vous choisir d'avoir du discernement et de comprendre. RÉSUMÉ DU LIVRE : Ce livre présente notre compréhension des huit événements prophétiques majeurs qui doivent encore se produire avant la Seconde Venue. Les références bibliques fournies vous mènent à l'endroit où vous pouvez lire ces événements dans le livre.
- Guerre entre l'Occident et l'Islam (Daniel 8 :1-8). Quand débute-t-elle ? Nous ne le savons pas. Daniel 11 :2 nous indique le signe que nous reconnaîtrons au journal d’information.
- L'islam est vaincu et le troisième temple de Jérusalem peut être construit. (Daniel 11 :14). L'étape de construction prendra un certain temps. Combien ? Nous ne le savons pas. Peut-être 70 semaines ? (Daniel 9).
- Le temple est opérationnel et ont reprend les sacrifices. Daniel 8 :13-14, 8 :23-25, 11 :14, 11 :30-31, Apocalypse 11 :1-3) Pendant ce temps, malgré la défaite de l'Islam, le bilan du terrorisme mondial et de la guerre nucléaire réduit les États-Unis au rang de pays du tiers-monde (Daniel 8 :8, 11 :4). Les quatre membres permanents restants au Conseil de Sécurité de l'ONU (la Grande-Bretagne, la France [UE], la Russie et la Chine) lutteront pour la suprématie mondiale (Daniel 7 :1-7). Les peuples réclameront la paix, et la petite corne (Daniel 7 :8) proposera un plan de paix pour le monde, et quel meilleur endroit pour son règne que la ville de la Paix, Jérusalem (Daniel 11 :21-24) ? Combien de temps après la construction du temple ? Nous ne savons pas. (Certains enseignent que ces huit événements totaliseront sept années. Ils se basent sur les multiples prophéties d’une durée de sept années dont parlent les Écritures, telles que la famine en Égypte à l'époque de Joseph et les sept temps de Nebucadnetsar. Mais même si cette hypothèse est correcte, nous n’avons pas le point de départ puisque nous ne savons pas quand cette guerre éclatera.)
- Jour 1 du décompte des derniers 1335 jours : La petite corne fera cesser les sacrifices quotidiens et instaurera un nouveau système religieux mondial (Daniel 7 :8, 25 ; 8 :9 ; 11 :15-16 ; Apocalypse 13 :3-7, 17 :5-6). C'est à ce moment-là que les persécutions commencent – nous DEVONS être prêts à traverser 1335 jours d'enfer sur terre, pour lesquels il faut nous préparer dès maintenant. C'est pourquoi Dieu nous a donné ces prophéties en guise d’ avertissement pour nous préparer.
- Jours 1140 et 1150 : Jugement (De la Fête des Trompettes au Jour des Expiations). Le 1140ème jour, bien que non mentionné par Daniel, est la Fête des Trompettes, ou le début du jugement. Ce jour-là marque le début de 2 prophéties : le décret de mort de 10 jours (Apocalypse 2 :10) et la libération des démons de l’abysse qui tortureront les hommes pendant 5 mois (Apocalypse 9 :5, 10). Le 1150ème jour (« 2300 soirs et matins » – voir Daniel 8 :14) est le Jour des Expiations, la fin du jugement avant la Seconde Venue de Yeshua. C'est à ce moment que Yeshua est jugé digne, la petite corne jugée coupable, puis débutent les sept derniers fléaux. Dieu envoie les fléaux pour contrecarrer les efforts des méchants qui persécutent et veulent mettre à mort les élus de Dieu, les 144 000. (Daniel 7 :9-10, 26, 8 :1-14, 11 :30, 12 :1 ; Apocalypse 4 :1-11 ; Esaïe 9 :5, 10 ; 11 :18-19 ; 15 :4-6).
- Jour 1260 : C'est le jour où la puissance représentée par la petite corne reçoit son châtiment déterminé au préalable le Jour des Expiations ; elle est détruite par les rois de la terre. Ainsi se termine son règne de terreur qui a duré trois ans et demi ; mais les choses sont sur le point d'empirer (Daniel 7 :25-26, 11 :40-45 ; Apocalypse 17 :16-18).
- Jour 1290 : Maintenant que la petite corne n’est plus, satan lui-même (l'antéchrist) s'assiera sur le trône, dans le lieu très saint, déclarant être le Messie promis (Daniel 12 :11, Matthieu 24 :15). Cet événement est l'abomination de la désolation.
- Jour 1335. C'est la Seconde Venue de Yeshua. Les morts en Christ ressuscitent lors de la première résurrection (Apocalypse 20 :5-6) et les saints toujours en vie sont délivrés. C'est la typologie de la fête du printemps (heure d'Israël) : • Première Pâque – la délivrance du peuple de Dieu et de l'ange destructeur, • Les prémices – le seul jour du calendrier divin pendant lequel a eu lieu une résurrection (Yeshua, et tous ceux qui furent ressuscités après Lui), • Deuxième Pâque – le Repas de Noces de l'Agneau (Seder de Pâque), que Yeshua a promis de partager avec nous à notre arrivée dans Son Royaume. C'est le début du millénium (Daniel 11 :12-13).
PRODUCT CATEGORY: Books (Soft Cover by mail). If you prefer to order this book as a downloadable e-book, click here. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: October 22, 1844 - What is this all about? It doesn't seem to matter which denomination a person comes from, whether that be Baptist, Pentecostal, Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran, Jehovah Witness, Mormon, Church of God, Seventh-day Adventists, etc., there are always distinct teachings that are connected to every fellowship, church, or denomination. Whatever your background, it is very likely that you can look back and see teachings that you have now discarded. Do you ever feel a burden to help those who still believe traditions of men? Re-Examining 1844: A Better Understanding is our attempt to encourage Seventh-day Adventists to move forward in their prophetic understanding, to be more in line with Biblical teaching. But this book is relevant to far more than just Adventists. If you have a desire to better understand the books of Daniel and Revelation, this book is for you. There is much more in this book than just Adventist theology. It is a book for today. Read the first chapter online here: https://www.endtimesprophecy.com/day-year-principle/ In this book, you will explore with us the following topics:
- Is the day-year principle Biblically sound?
- Are the beasts of Daniel 7 really a retelling of Nebuchadnezzar's statue dream?
- How long is 2300 "evenings and mornings"?
- Does the Second Coming prophecy of Daniel 8:14 ("2300 years") start at the same time as the First Coming prophecy of Daniel 9?
- What is the taking away of the daily?
- What is the abomination of desolation?
- What is the evidence for or against every point on the Adventist 2300-year prophecy timeline that ended in 1844?
- What is a better understanding of the timelines in Daniel and Revelation? Are these prophecies truly for the end like Daniel declared, and thus yet future?
- How does the festival calendar fit into the end time timelines of both books?
- How does Ellen White figure into the Adventist understanding of 1844?
- Has the Seventh-day Adventist Church been transparent on the topic of 1844?
PRODUCT CATEGORY: Books (Downloadable). Upon completion of your order, the download file will be available onscreen immediately. If you prefer to order this book as a printed copy by mail, please click here. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: October 22, 1844 - What is this all about? It doesn't seem to matter which denomination a person comes from, whether that be Baptist, Pentecostal, Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran, Jehovah Witness, Mormon, Church of God, Seventh-day Adventists, etc., there are always distinct teachings that are connected to every fellowship, church, or denomination. Whatever your background, it is very likely that you can look back and see teachings that you have now discarded. Do you ever feel a burden to help those who still believe traditions of men? Re-Examining 1844: A Better Understanding is our attempt to encourage Seventh-day Adventists to move forward in their prophetic understanding, to be more in line with Biblical teaching. But this book is relevant to far more than just Adventists. If you have a desire to better understand the books of Daniel and Revelation, this book is for you. There is much more in this book than just Adventist theology. It is a book for today. Read the first chapter online here: https://www.endtimesprophecy.com/day-year-principle/ In this book, you will explore with us the following topics:
- Is the day-year principle Biblically sound?
- Are the beasts of Daniel 7 really a retelling of Nebuchadnezzar's statue dream?
- How long is 2300 "evenings and mornings"?
- Does the Second Coming prophecy of Daniel 8:14 ("2300 years") start at the same time as the First Coming prophecy of Daniel 9?
- What is the taking away of the daily?
- What is the abomination of desolation?
- What is the evidence for or against every point on the Adventist 2300-year prophecy timeline that ended in 1844?
- What is a better understanding of the timelines in Daniel and Revelation? Are these prophecies truly for the end like Daniel declared, and thus yet future?
- How does the festival calendar fit into the end time timelines of both books?
- How does Ellen White figure into the Adventist understanding of 1844?
- Has the Seventh-day Adventist Church been transparent on the topic of 1844?
PRODUCT CATEGORY: Books (Printed Book (Soft Cover). If you prefer to order this book as a downloadable e-book, click here. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The final events of Daniel and Revelation are happening now. The details in this book will give you solid evidence of that fact, so simple that a child can understand. This book contains the information you need to know today. There are many who prefer not to study the books of Daniel and Revelation because they feel they are too frightening. It is true that we are going to enter “perilous times” and there are fearful aspects to these prophecies. While God does not bring the evils that are coming on the world, He must allow them to come to show the results of turning our backs on God, so that we are able to make a decision to turn our faces toward Him. God, in His infinite love, has given us free choice. Some have chosen to rebel against His love and government, and the results will be perilous times. It is the love of God that has made it necessary for Him to reveal the future to us so that we can prepare for what is coming. He is returning soon to restore what was lost in the beginning—“the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25:34). Author Tom Stapleton will unfold the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation straight from today’s headlines, and in full alignment with God’s appointed festival calendar. We can know in advance what is coming so that we can take shelter before the storm. And make no mistake—a storm is coming, relentless in its fury. Many will perish due to lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). May you choose to be wise and understand. BOOK SUMMARY: This book lays out our understanding of the eight major prophetic events yet to happen before the Second Coming. The Scripture references provided lead you to where you can read about these events in the book.
- War between the west and Islam (Daniel 8:1-8). When does this start? We don’t know. The sign we’ll see on the evening news when it is near is found in Daniel 11:2.
- Islam is defeated and the third temple in Jerusalem can be built. (Daniel 11:14) The construction stage will take some time. How much time? We don’t know. Maybe 70 weeks? (Daniel 9).
- The temple starts operation, sacrifices resume.(Daniel 8:13- 14, 8:23-25, 11:14, 11:30-31, Revelation 11:1-3) Meanwhile, despite the apparent victory in defeating Islam, the toll of global terrorism and nuclear war reduces the United States to a third world nation (Daniel 8:8, 11:4). The four remaining permanent members of the UN Security Council (Great Britain, France [EU], Russia and China) are striving for world supremacy (Daniel 7:1-7). People will be clamoring for peace, and the little horn (Daniel 7:8) will propose a solution for world peace, and what better place for him to reign than the city of peace, Jerusalem (Daniel 11:21-24)? How long after the temple is built? We don’t know. (There are some who believe that these eight events will add up to seven years total. This is due to various seven-year prophecies in Scripture, such as the famine in Egypt in Joseph’s day and the seven times of Nebuchadnezzar. But even if that is correct, that still doesn’t give a starting point because we don’t know how long until the war starts.)
- Day 1 of the final 1335-day count: The little horn will stop the daily sacrifices and bring in a new world worship system (Daniel 7:8, 25; 8:9; 11:15-16; Revelation 13:3-7, 17:5-6). This is when persecution begins – you MUST be ready for 1335 days of hell on earth by then, which means we must prepare in advance. This is why God has given us these prophecies, a heads up, if you will.
- Days 1140 and 1150: Judgment (The Feast of Trumpets through the Day of Atonement.) Day 1140, while not mentioned by number in Daniel, is the Feast of Trumpets, when judgment begins. On day 1140, both the 10-day death decree (Revelation 2:10) and the five months of demons loosed from the abyss (Revelation 9:5, 10) begin. Day 1150 (“2300 evenings and mornings” – see Daniel 8:14) is the Day of Atonement, the close of judgment prior to the Second Coming of Yeshua. This is when Yeshua is found worthy, the little horn is found guilty, and the seven last plagues begin. God sends the plagues as a means to counteract the work of the wicked who are trying to bring death and persecution upon God’s elect—the 144,000. (Daniel 7:9-10, 26, 8:1-14, 11:30, 12:1; Revelation 4:1-11; 9:5, 10; 11:18-19; 15:4-6).
- Day 1260: This is the day when the little horn power receives her punishment that was finalized on the Day of Atonement, and is destroyed by the kings of the earth. This completes her 3.5 year reign of terror, but it is about to get worse (Daniel 7:25-26, 11:40- 45; Revelation 17:16-18).
- Day 1290: With the little horn gone, satan himself (the anti-christ) sits on the throne/stands in the Holy Place, declaring himself as the returned Messiah (Daniel 12:11, Matthew 24:15). This event is the abomination of desolation.
- Day 1335. This is the Second Coming, when the dead in Christ rise to their resurrection (the first resurrection, Revelation 20:5-6) and the living saints are delivered. This is spring (Israel time) festival typology: • First Passover – deliverance of God’s people and the destroying angel, • Firstfruits – the only day in God’s calendar where there has been a resurrection (Yeshua, and the many resurrected after His resurrection), • Second Passover – the marriage supper of the Lamb (Passover Seder), which Yeshua said He would keep anew with us when we get to the kingdom. This begins the millennium (Daniel 11:12-13).
PRODUCT CATEGORY: Books (Downloadable). Upon completion of your order, the download file will be available onscreen immediately. You will also receive a download link by email upon completion of your order. If you prefer to order this book as a printed copy by mail, please click here. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The final events of Daniel and Revelation are happening now. The details in this book will give you solid evidence of that fact, so simple that a child can understand. This book contains the information you need to know today. There are many who prefer not to study the books of Daniel and Revelation because they feel they are too frightening. It is true that we are going to enter “perilous times” and there are fearful aspects to these prophecies. While God does not bring the evils that are coming on the world, He must allow them to come to show the results of turning our backs on God, so that we are able to make a decision to turn our faces toward Him. God, in His infinite love, has given us free choice. Some have chosen to rebel against His love and government, and the results will be perilous times. It is the love of God that has made it necessary for Him to reveal the future to us so that we can prepare for what is coming. He is returning soon to restore what was lost in the beginning—“the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25:34). Author Tom Stapleton will unfold the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation straight from today’s headlines, and in full alignment with God’s appointed festival calendar. We can know in advance what is coming so that we can take shelter before the storm. And make no mistake—a storm is coming, relentless in its fury. Many will perish due to lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). May you choose to be wise and understand. BOOK SUMMARY: This book lays out our understanding of the eight major prophetic events yet to happen before the Second Coming. The Scripture references provided lead you to where you can read about these events in the book.
- War between the west and Islam (Daniel 8:1-8). When does this start? We don’t know. The sign we’ll see on the evening news when it is near is found in Daniel 11:2.
- Islam is defeated and the third temple in Jerusalem can be built. (Daniel 11:14) The construction stage will take some time. How much time? We don’t know. Maybe 70 weeks? (Daniel 9).
- The temple starts operation, sacrifices resume.(Daniel 8:13- 14, 8:23-25, 11:14, 11:30-31, Revelation 11:1-3) Meanwhile, despite the apparent victory in defeating Islam, the toll of global terrorism and nuclear war reduces the United States to a third world nation (Daniel 8:8, 11:4). The four remaining permanent members of the UN Security Council (Great Britain, France [EU], Russia and China) are striving for world supremacy (Daniel 7:1-7). People will be clamoring for peace, and the little horn (Daniel 7:8) will propose a solution for world peace, and what better place for him to reign than the city of peace, Jerusalem (Daniel 11:21-24)? How long after the temple is built? We don’t know. (There are some who believe that these eight events will add up to seven years total. This is due to various seven-year prophecies in Scripture, such as the famine in Egypt in Joseph’s day and the seven times of Nebuchadnezzar. But even if that is correct, that still doesn’t give a starting point because we don’t know how long until the war starts.)
- Day 1 of the final 1335-day count: The little horn will stop the daily sacrifices and bring in a new world worship system (Daniel 7:8, 25; 8:9; 11:15-16; Revelation 13:3-7, 17:5-6). This is when persecution begins – you MUST be ready for 1335 days of hell on earth by then, which means we must prepare in advance. This is why God has given us these prophecies, a heads up, if you will.
- Days 1140 and 1150: Judgment (The Feast of Trumpets through the Day of Atonement.) Day 1140, while not mentioned by number in Daniel, is the Feast of Trumpets, when judgment begins. On day 1140, both the 10-day death decree (Revelation 2:10) and the five months of demons loosed from the abyss (Revelation 9:5, 10) begin. Day 1150 (“2300 evenings and mornings” – see Daniel 8:14) is the Day of Atonement, the close of judgment prior to the Second Coming of Yeshua. This is when Yeshua is found worthy, the little horn is found guilty, and the seven last plagues begin. God sends the plagues as a means to counteract the work of the wicked who are trying to bring death and persecution upon God’s elect—the 144,000. (Daniel 7:9-10, 26, 8:1-14, 11:30, 12:1; Revelation 4:1-11; 9:5, 10; 11:18-19; 15:4-6).
- Day 1260: This is the day when the little horn power receives her punishment that was finalized on the Day of Atonement, and is destroyed by the kings of the earth. This completes her 3.5 year reign of terror, but it is about to get worse (Daniel 7:25-26, 11:40- 45; Revelation 17:16-18).
- Day 1290: With the little horn gone, satan himself (the anti-christ) sits on the throne/stands in the Holy Place, declaring himself as the returned Messiah (Daniel 12:11, Matthew 24:15). This event is the abomination of desolation.
- Day 1335. This is the Second Coming, when the dead in Christ rise to their resurrection (the first resurrection, Revelation 20:5-6) and the living saints are delivered. This is spring (Israel time) festival typology: • First Passover - deliverance of God’s people and the destroying angel, • Firstfruits - the only day in God’s calendar where there has been a resurrection (Yeshua, and the many resurrected after His resurrection), • Second Passover - the marriage supper of the Lamb (Passover Seder), which Yeshua said He would keep anew with us when we get to the kingdom. This begins the millennium (Daniel 11:12-13).
PRODUCT CATEGORY: Books (Downloadable). Upon completion of your order, the download file will be available onscreen immediately. You will also receive a download link by email upon completion of your order. This title is no longer available in paperback format. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Is God's Character solely defined by love or is His Character revealed through every true doctrine in His Word? Does God execute judgment by His own hand or is satan doing all of the destroying? If God does destroy, how can He remain righteous? These are some of the questions addressed in Tom Stapleton's investigation into a better understanding of The Character of God. There is a teaching that parallels universalism that is gaining ground in Christendom and Seventh-day Adventist churches that is addressed in this book. Citing contemporary Christian speakers, Seventh-day Adventist theologians, and primarily the Word of God, Stapleton thoroughly deciphers this controversial issue being discussed in the church today. "I submit that there are some ominous parallels between the devil's deception to Eve and the current interpretation that God will not fulfill His Word by executing judgment in His own hand," says the author. "Those who teach these concepts are teaching contrary to God's Word." ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tom Stapleton has been a student and teacher of God’s word since 1984. Right from the onset he had a keen interest in end times Bible prophecy, and specifically the books of Daniel and Revelation. He has done something unique – that is tie the fulfillment of God’s annual festivals into the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. This missing puzzle piece has given a much deeper understanding to the specified time periods that will occur at the close of this earth’s history. Tom’s understanding is now being sought after by many all over the world. Contact Tom if you would like to sponsor an end times Bible prophecy seminar in your area. CONTACT US: To contact Tom, please use the “Contact Us” link at the top of each page. DONATION POLICY: All prices listed are suggested donations. We do our best to go on faith that people will give what the Holy Spirit inspires them to give. If you cannot afford the suggested donation, we ask that you give what you can, and we will fill your order if possible. WOULD YOU TEAM WITH US: We would also ask that you prayerfully consider adding our ministry to the ministries you support with your tithes and offerings so that we can continue making our books available on a donation basis, and making our videos available online with no advertising. You will also have the opportunity to make a separate donation once you are ready to complete your order. All amounts entered are in US Dollars. TO DOWNLOAD: Click the blue file name on the far right (below the "Download" column) on your order confirmation screen which appears immediately upon successful completion of your order. Thank you.
PRODUCT CATEGORY: Books (Downloadable). Upon completion of your order, the download file will be available onscreen immediately. You will also receive a download link by email upon completion of your order. If you prefer to order a soft-cover printed copy of this book, please use this link. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The unfolding of truth to successive generations was best understood by our Master. It was Yeshua who said, "I still have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now. However when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth..." John 16: 12, 13 In Restoration of God's Festivals, author Tom Stapleton states that today, as we are approaching the closing work of the reformation, God is calling us to restore His Festivals. A student of the Bible for more than 30 years, Stapleton says that contrary to popular belief, God's Festivals did not meet their fulfillment upon the death of Yeshua; rather, there is biblical support that the festivals continued to be celebrated until the close of the Biblical record. Stapleton claims that it is time Christians restore the celebration of Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles. "There are plenty of reasons for Christians to celebrate God's Festivals;' says Stapleton, "Each one points to a different aspect of the plan of salvation and together they teach the plan of salvation in its fullness." When Stapleton first learned about the Sabbath, he learned through the Seventh-day Adventist church. Upon further investigation, he found out that the festivals were not done away with as the Seventh-day Adventist Church teaches. Therefore, he took it upon himself to write a book that addresses the validity of the keeping of the feasts for the Christian church. The ancient Biblical holidays are gaining increasing attention in many Christian circles today as people consider their purpose and relevance in modern Christian life. For those who are new to this subject, Restoration of God's Festivals provides clear, concise, biblically solid insights into this interesting topic. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tom Stapleton has been a student and teacher of God’s word since 1984. Right from the onset he had a keen interest in end times Bible prophecy, and specifically the books of Daniel and Revelation. He has done something unique – that is tie the fulfillment of God’s annual festivals into the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. This missing puzzle piece has given a much deeper understanding to the specified time periods that will occur at the close of this earth’s history. Tom’s understanding is now being sought after by many all over the world. Contact Tom if you would like to sponsor an end times Bible prophecy seminar in your area. CONTACT US: To contact Tom, please use the “Contact Us” link at the top of each page. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION: What is the difference between the green book and the blue book? The festivals are a revelation of God's plan of salvation, therefore making them important to any church in any age, and the reason why He gave His people, Israel, His calendar. The book Restoration of God's Festivals (the green book) is a thorough investigation of the purpose in the festivals for God's church today. This book was written primarily for those of Seventh-Day Adventist persuasion. It contains materials written by theologians from the SDA church to demonstrate that this was not contrary to the teachings of the church, but rather enhance the church's teachings, especially the sanctuary doctrine. I am sad to say that this book has brought me into conflict with the leadership of the Adventist church. However, I felt that I must stand for Bible truth and not the teachings of any one denomination. After writing this book, those who read it encouraged me to write a book for non-SDAs, those of any faith, omitting the SDA references. Hence, the book Reclaiming God's Festivals (the blue book). This book is written strictly using the Bible with a little history thrown in to demonstrate that the early church continued to keep the festivals well into the fourth and fifth centuries AD. It shows that the Catholic Church was responsible for carrying forward the change in not only the Sabbath but the festivals of God, replacing them with their festivals in Sunday, Christmas, and Easter, and making them obligatory to the Catholic version of the New Testament Christian Church, which is in direct conflict with the Biblical version of the New Testament Christian Church. So in short, the green book is designed for Seventh-Day Adventists, and the blue book is designed for Christians of any denomination. DONATION POLICY: All prices listed are suggested donations. We do our best to go on faith that people will give what the Holy Spirit inspires them to give. If you cannot afford the suggested donation, we ask that you give what you can, and we will fill your order if possible. WOULD YOU TEAM WITH US: We would also ask that you prayerfully consider adding our ministry to the ministries you support with your tithes and offerings so that we can continue making our books available on a donation basis, and making our videos available online with no advertising. You will also have the opportunity to make a separate donation once you are ready to complete your order. All amounts entered are in US Dollars. SUGGESTED DONATION: $12.00 U.S. Dollars. This page is for the e-book. If you wish to order the printed book, please use the link at the top of this description page. Thank you. TO DOWNLOAD: Click the blue file name on the far right (below the "Download" column) on your order confirmation screen which appears immediately upon successful completion of your order. Thank you.
PRODUCT CATEGORY: Printed Book (Soft Cover) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Is God's Character solely defined by love or is His Character revealed through every true doctrine in His Word? Does God execute judgment by His own hand or is satan doing all of the destroying? If God does destroy, how can He remain righteous? These are some of the questions addressed in Tom Stapleton's investigation into a better understanding of The Character of God. There is a teaching that parallels universalism that is gaining ground in Christendom and Seventh-day Adventist churches that is addressed in this book. Citing contemporary Christian speakers, Seventh-day Adventist theologians, and primarily the Word of God, Stapleton thoroughly deciphers this controversial issue being discussed in the church today. "I submit that there are some ominous parallels between the devil's deception to Eve and the current interpretation that God will not fulfill His Word by executing judgment in His own hand," says the author. "Those who teach these concepts are teaching contrary to God's Word." ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tom Stapleton has been a student and teacher of God’s word since 1984. Right from the onset he had a keen interest in end times Bible prophecy, and specifically the books of Daniel and Revelation. He has done something unique – that is tie the fulfillment of God’s annual festivals into the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. This missing puzzle piece has given a much deeper understanding to the specified time periods that will occur at the close of this earth’s history. Tom’s understanding is now being sought after by many all over the world. Contact Tom if you would like to sponsor an end times Bible prophecy seminar in your area. CONTACT US: To contact Tom, please use the “Contact Us” link at the top of each page. DONATION POLICY: All prices listed are suggested donations. We do our best to go on faith that people will give what the Holy Spirit inspires them to give. If you cannot afford the suggested donation, we ask that you give what you can, and we will fill your order if possible. WOULD YOU TEAM WITH US: We would also ask that you prayerfully consider adding our ministry to the ministries you support with your tithes and offerings so that we can continue making our books available on a donation basis, and making our videos available online with no advertising. You will also have the opportunity to make a separate donation once you are ready to complete your order. All amounts entered are in US Dollars.
PRODUCT CATEGORY: Printed Book (Soft Cover). If you prefer to receive this as an e-book (electronically), please use this link. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The unfolding of truth to successive generations was best understood by our Master. It was Yeshua who said, "I still have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now. However when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth..." John 16: 12, 13 In Restoration of God's Festivals, author Tom Stapleton states that today, as we are approaching the closing work of the reformation, God is calling us to restore His Festivals. A student of the Bible for more than 30 years, Stapleton says that contrary to popular belief, God's Festivals did not meet their fulfillment upon the death of Yeshua; rather, there is biblical support that the festivals continued to be celebrated until the close of the Biblical record. Stapleton claims that it is time Christians restore the celebration of Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles. "There are plenty of reasons for Christians to celebrate God's Festivals;' says Stapleton, "Each one points to a different aspect of the plan of salvation and together they teach the plan of salvation in its fullness." When Stapleton first learned about the Sabbath, he learned through the Seventh-day Adventist church. Upon further investigation, he found out that the festivals were not done away with as the Seventh-day Adventist Church teaches. Therefore, he took it upon himself to write a book that addresses the validity of the keeping of the feasts for the Christian church. The ancient Biblical holidays are gaining increasing attention in many Christian circles today as people consider their purpose and relevance in modern Christian life. For those who are new to this subject, Restoration of God's Festivals provides clear, concise, biblically solid insights into this interesting topic. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tom Stapleton has been a student and teacher of God’s word since 1984. Right from the onset he had a keen interest in end times Bible prophecy, and specifically the books of Daniel and Revelation. He has done something unique – that is tie the fulfillment of God’s annual festivals into the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. This missing puzzle piece has given a much deeper understanding to the specified time periods that will occur at the close of this earth’s history. Tom’s understanding is now being sought after by many all over the world. Contact Tom if you would like to sponsor an end times Bible prophecy seminar in your area. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION: What is the difference between the green book and the blue book? The festivals are a revelation of God's plan of salvation, therefore making them important to any church in any age, and the reason why He gave His people, Israel, His calendar. The book Restoration of God's Festivals (the green book) is a thorough investigation of the purpose in the festivals for God's church today. This book was written primarily for those of Seventh-Day Adventist persuasion. It contains materials written by theologians from the SDA church to demonstrate that this was not contrary to the teachings of the church, but rather enhance the church's teachings, especially the sanctuary doctrine. I am sad to say that this book has brought me into conflict with the leadership of the Adventist church. However, I felt that I must stand for Bible truth and not the teachings of any one denomination. After writing this book, those who read it encouraged me to write a book for non-SDAs, those of any faith, omitting the SDA references. Hence, the book Reclaiming God's Festivals (the blue book). This book is written strictly using the Bible with a little history thrown in to demonstrate that the early church continued to keep the festivals well into the fourth and fifth centuries AD. It shows that the Catholic Church was responsible for carrying forward the change in not only the Sabbath but the festivals of God, replacing them with their festivals in Sunday, Christmas, and Easter, and making them obligatory to the Catholic version of the New Testament Christian Church, which is in direct conflict with the Biblical version of the New Testament Christian Church. So in short, the green book is designed for Seventh-Day Adventists, and the blue book is designed for Christians of any denomination. CONTACT US: To contact Tom, please use the “Contact Us” link at the top of each page. DONATION POLICY: All prices listed are suggested donations. We do our best to go on faith that people will give what the Holy Spirit inspires them to give. If you cannot afford the suggested donation, we ask that you give what you can, and we will fill your order if possible. WOULD YOU TEAM WITH US: We would also ask that you prayerfully consider adding our ministry to the ministries you support with your tithes and offerings so that we can continue making our books available on a donation basis, and making our videos available online with no advertising. You will also have the opportunity to make a separate donation once you are ready to complete your order. All amounts entered are in US Dollars. SUGGESTED DONATION: $15.00 U.S. Dollars. For volume requests, the suggested donation is $12.00 for four to seven copies, and $10 for eight copies or more. This is for the printed copy arriving by mail. Postage will be added during the checkout process, based on shipping from Canada. If you are outside of Canada, international shipping rates will apply. You may wish to receive the book electronically instead of by mail. To do so, please use the link at the top of this page. Thank you. SHIPPING NOTE: Camp Tamiyd is located in a remote mountain area in Canada. It is a 2.5 hour trip to town, so we only get there about every week to ten days. We will ship as soon as possible, but please understand that it may take us a bit to get to the post office, and international mail can take several weeks to arrive. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
PRODUCT CATEGORY: E-Book (Downloadable). Upon completion of your order, the download file will be available onscreen immediately. You will also receive a download link by email upon completion of your order. If you wish to order this book as a soft-cover printed copy by mail, please use this link. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: What role does God's Word play in your practice of faith? Author Tom Stapleton asserts that the practice of God's festivals, which observe seven Holy Days during three annual gatherings, are a compacted prophecy of gospel and have true purpose for us today. "They have brought clarity and fulfillment beyond expectation," the author says. "God's festivals are central to the message Jesus talked about in Matthew 17:11 when He said, 'Elijah truly is coming first and will restore all things.'" Stapleton presents a controversial yet Biblically developed argument proposing that organized church has denigrated God's original schedule into the occasions we know today as Christmas and Easter. While commemorative, these annual festivals are not given to us by God; they were added on. However, God has given us festivals that are both commemorative and prophetic. Leviticus 23:2 (ERV) "...You will announce the LORD's chosen festivals as holy meetings. These are my special festivals."
- Festival of Unleavened Bread including Passover (spring)
- Pentecost (summer)
- Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles (fall)
PRODUCT CATEGORY: Printed Book (Soft Cover). If you prefer an electronic copy, please use this link instead. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: What role does God's Word play in your practice of faith? Author Tom Stapleton asserts that the practice of God's festivals, which observe seven Holy Days during three annual gatherings, are a compacted prophecy of gospel and have true purpose for us today. "They have brought clarity and fulfillment beyond expectation," the author says. "God's festivals are central to the message Jesus talked about in Matthew 17:11 when He said, 'Elijah truly is coming first and will restore all things.'" Stapleton presents a controversial yet Biblically developed argument proposing that organized church has denigrated God's original schedule into the occasions we know today as Christmas and Easter. While commemorative, these annual festivals are not given to us by God; they were added on. However, God has given us festivals that are both commemorative and prophetic. Leviticus 23:2 (ERV) "...You will announce the LORD's chosen festivals as holy meetings. These are my special festivals."
- Festival of Unleavened Bread including Passover (spring)
- Pentecost (summer)
- Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles (fall)