Did Judas have a choice when he betrayed Yeshua? Did Caiaphas have to condemn Him to death? If prophecy foretold these events, does that mean free will was taken out of the equation? Ephesians 1:4-5 speaks of predestination, but not in the way many assume. It doesn’t remove our free will—it affirms our calling.

Many believe Ezekiel’s prophecy of the two sticks is yet to be fulfilled in the end times. However, the prophecy actually applied to when the Israelites returned from Babylonian captivity. Misapplying this prophecy to future events creates a false narrative of what truly lies ahead in the last days.

What if most of what you’ve been taught about future events in Bible prophecy is wrong? Could it be that much of it is a carefully crafted deception designed to lead people into accepting a false messiah? Are you ready to challenge what you’ve always believed and seek the truth in God’s Word?

Have you ever wondered where music came from? Who created the musical scale with its perfect seven notes? Why does the number seven appear so often in nature and history—seven colors in a rainbow, seven days in a week, seven continents? Could it be that music is more than just sound? Perhaps it’s a divine signature, a gift from the Creator Himself. Discover the mystery of music’s origin in this captivating short!

Bible prophecy is like a flashlight in a dark world. Without it, navigating the challenges and uncertainties of life feels like being dropped into a dark hole without light. But with prophecy, we have clarity, direction, and hope. Watch as Tom Stapleton explains how prophecy serves as a light that illuminates the path ahead, even in the darkest times.

Conspiracy theories thrive on fear, speculation, and wild imaginations—but do they bring you closer to peace? Probably not. Instead, they pull your focus away from what truly matters: God’s plan, revealed through Bible prophecy. While the world obsesses over shadowy agendas and the latest ‘big reveal,’ the Bible offers clarity, truth, and hope. Do yourself a favor: stop chasing distractions and start focusing on what lasts. Watch this video to find out how to cut through the noise and realign your perspective with God’s Word.

Is Donald Trump a modern-day King Nebuchadnezzar? In the Bible, the prophet Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar that it is God who sets up and removes kings, establishing kingdoms and bringing them to an end. Could it be that God has put Donald Trump into power for such a time as this? Is this earth’s last chance for repentance before the mark of the beast is implemented? Explore this thought-provoking comparison and its implications for our time.

Is there a God? Instead of debating this question, let’s explore the power of belief itself. Whether or not God exists, the belief that we’re created with purpose gives us confidence, peace, and hope. In contrast, a belief in a purposeless existence leaves us carrying the weight of life alone. Discover how your beliefs shape your life and why purpose matters more than proof.

Test your knowledge of Bible prophecy with this fun and interactive quiz! 🐻🦁🐆 Discover the symbolic animals in Daniel 7 and their prophetic meanings. Can you get them all right?