All of our latest videos, regardless of category, are listed here, newest on top.

Short 1-2 minute clips designed to grab someone’s attention quickly.

From the red letters of Yeshua, His pointing to the prophet Daniel, and the progressive Revelation that was given to John, a detailed story is told.

Sit in on our Wednesday night Bible studies. You never know what might come up!

From Genesis 1 to Revelation 22, God’s holy feast day calendar reveals His plan of redemption to take His people out of this sin-filled world into an eternity beyond our imagination.

What is the Mark of the Beast? Who is the Beast of the Mark? There are endless theories, but one Biblical truth. How can you identify the truth?

Who is Israel? What is the role of Jerusalem in the last days? What about a third temple? These topics and more can be found in this section.

A thousand years of peace. What will we be doing? Is there still death and sin? Where will we be? Click here for all things millennium.

Many view Zechariah 14 as the events on earth during the millennium. If that is what you have been taught, we would like to give you more to the story.

Whether it be the prophets of old, the gospels, or the writings of Paul, this category will bring teachings that focus on specific books of the Bible.

Seventh-day Adventists believe that Daniel 8:14 is the key to understanding that the pre-advent judgment began October 22, 1844. If, as we believe, this is a wrong interpretation of the end time prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, that means that an entire denomination is missing the real end time prophetic warnings that God wants them to have. Truth does not suffer from examination, so join us as we examine some of the different aspects of the 1844 sanctuary doctrine, to see if they hold up under scrutiny.

Have you begun to build your ark of safety? Click here for practical information on living in a community and being off-grid.

Videos that do not fit into any of the above categories will be found here. Check it out!