“The Wise Shall Understand”: Daniel and Revelation – Printed Book (Soft Cover)

“The Wise Shall Understand”: Daniel and Revelation – Printed Book (Soft Cover)

PRODUCT CATEGORY: Books (Printed Book (Soft Cover). If you prefer to order this book as a downloadable e-book, click here.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The final events of Daniel and Revelation are happening now.

The details in this book will give you solid evidence of that fact, so simple that a child can understand. This book contains the information you need to know today. There are many who prefer not to study the books of Daniel and Revelation because they feel they are too frightening.

It is true that we are going to enter “perilous times” and there are fearful aspects to these prophecies. While God does not bring the evils that are coming on the world, He must allow them to come to show the results of turning our backs on God, so that we are able to make a decision to turn our faces toward Him. God, in His infinite love, has given us free choice. Some have chosen to rebel against His love and government, and the results will be perilous times.

It is the love of God that has made it necessary for Him to reveal the future to us so that we can prepare for what is coming. He is returning soon to restore what was lost in the beginning—“the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25:34).

Author Tom Stapleton will unfold the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation straight from today’s headlines, and in full alignment with God’s appointed festival calendar. We can know in advance what is coming so that we can take shelter before the storm. And make no mistake—a storm is coming, relentless in its fury. Many will perish due to lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). May you choose to be wise and understand.


This book lays out our understanding of the eight major prophetic events yet to happen before the Second Coming. The Scripture references provided lead you to where you can read about these events in the book.

  1. War between the west and Islam (Daniel 8:1-8). When does this start? We don’t know. The sign we’ll see on the evening news when it is near is found in Daniel 11:2.
  2. Islam is defeated and the third temple in Jerusalem can be built. (Daniel 11:14) The construction stage will take some time. How much time? We don’t know. Maybe 70 weeks? (Daniel 9).
  3. The temple starts operation, sacrifices resume.(Daniel 8:13- 14, 8:23-25, 11:14, 11:30-31, Revelation 11:1-3) Meanwhile, despite the apparent victory in defeating Islam, the toll of global terrorism and nuclear war reduces the United States to a third world nation (Daniel 8:8, 11:4). The four remaining permanent members of the UN Security Council (Great Britain, France [EU], Russia and China) are striving for world supremacy (Daniel 7:1-7). People will be clamoring for peace, and the little horn (Daniel 7:8) will propose a solution for world peace, and what better place for him to reign than the city of peace, Jerusalem (Daniel 11:21-24)? How long after the temple is built? We don’t know. (There are some who believe that these eight events will add up to seven years total. This is due to various seven-year prophecies in Scripture, such as the famine in Egypt in Joseph’s day and the seven times of Nebuchadnezzar. But even if that is correct, that still doesn’t give a starting point because we don’t know how long until the war starts.)
  4. Day 1 of the final 1335-day count: The little horn will stop the daily sacrifices and bring in a new world worship system (Daniel 7:8, 25; 8:9; 11:15-16; Revelation 13:3-7, 17:5-6). This is when persecution begins – you MUST be ready for 1335 days of hell on earth by then, which means we must prepare in advance. This is why God has given us these prophecies, a heads up, if you will.
  5. Days 1140 and 1150: Judgment (The Feast of Trumpets through the Day of Atonement.) Day 1140, while not mentioned by number in Daniel, is the Feast of Trumpets, when judgment begins. On day 1140, both the 10-day death decree (Revelation 2:10) and the five months of demons loosed from the abyss (Revelation 9:5, 10) begin. Day 1150 (“2300 evenings and mornings” – see Daniel 8:14) is the Day of Atonement, the close of judgment prior to the Second Coming of Yeshua. This is when Yeshua is found worthy, the little horn is found guilty, and the seven last plagues begin. God sends the plagues as a means to counteract the work of the wicked who are trying to bring death and persecution upon God’s elect—the 144,000. (Daniel 7:9-10, 26, 8:1-14, 11:30, 12:1; Revelation 4:1-11; 9:5, 10; 11:18-19; 15:4-6).
  6. Day 1260: This is the day when the little horn power receives her punishment that was finalized on the Day of Atonement, and is destroyed by the kings of the earth. This completes her 3.5 year reign of terror, but it is about to get worse (Daniel 7:25-26, 11:40- 45; Revelation 17:16-18).
  7. Day 1290: With the little horn gone, satan himself (the anti-christ) sits on the throne/stands in the Holy Place, declaring himself as the returned Messiah (Daniel 12:11, Matthew 24:15). This event is the abomination of desolation.
  8. Day 1335. This is the Second Coming, when the dead in Christ rise to their resurrection (the first resurrection, Revelation 20:5-6) and the living saints are delivered. This is spring (Israel time) festival typology:
    • First Passover – deliverance of God’s people and the destroying angel,
    • Firstfruits – the only day in God’s calendar where there has been a resurrection (Yeshua, and the many resurrected after His resurrection),
    • Second Passover – the marriage supper of the Lamb (Passover Seder), which Yeshua said He would keep anew with us when we get to the kingdom. This begins the millennium (Daniel 11:12-13).

At the end of the millennium, the fall feasts will reach their final fulfillment. Revelation chapters 20-22.

ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Tom Stapleton has been a student and teacher of God’s word since 1983. Right from the onset he had a keen interest in end times Bible prophecy, and specifically the books of Daniel and Revelation. He has done something unique – that is tie the fulfillments of God’s annual festivals into the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. This missing puzzle piece has given a much deeper understanding to the specified time periods that will occur at the close of this earth’s history. Tom’s understanding is now being sought after by many all over the world. Contact Tom if you would like to sponsor an end times Bible prophecy seminar in your area.

CONTACT US: To contact Tom, please use the “Contact Us” link at the top of each page.

DONATION POLICY: All prices listed are suggested donations. We do our best to go on faith that people will give what the Holy Spirit inspires them to give. If you cannot afford the suggested donation, we ask that you give what you can, and we will fill your order if possible.

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SUGGESTED DONATION: $17.00 U.S. Dollars. For volume requests, the suggested donation is $15.00 for four to seven copies, and $12 for eight copies or more.

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Suggested Donation: $17.00

Minimum Donation: $7.00





Additional information

Weight 18 oz
Dimensions 12 × 10 × 1 in
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