PRODUCT CATEGORY: Printed Book (Soft Cover). If you prefer to receive this as an e-book (electronically), please use this link.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The unfolding of truth to successive generations was best understood by our Master. It was Yeshua who said, “I still have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now. However when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth…” John 16: 12, 13
In Restoration of God’s Festivals, author Tom Stapleton states that today, as we are approaching the closing work of the reformation, God is calling us to restore His Festivals. A student of the Bible for more than 30 years, Stapleton says that contrary to popular belief, God’s Festivals did not meet their fulfillment upon the death of Yeshua; rather, there is biblical support that the festivals continued to be celebrated until the close of the Biblical record.
Stapleton claims that it is time Christians restore the celebration of Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles. “There are plenty of reasons for Christians to celebrate God’s Festivals;’ says Stapleton, “Each one points to a different aspect of the plan of salvation and together they teach the plan of salvation in its fullness.”
When Stapleton first learned about the Sabbath, he learned through the Seventh-day Adventist church. Upon further investigation, he found out that the festivals were not done away with as the Seventh-day Adventist Church teaches. Therefore, he took it upon himself to write a book that addresses the validity of the keeping of the feasts for the Christian church.
The ancient Biblical holidays are gaining increasing attention in many Christian circles today as people consider their purpose and relevance in modern Christian life. For those who are new to this subject, Restoration of God’s Festivals provides clear, concise, biblically solid insights into this interesting topic.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tom Stapleton has been a student and teacher of God’s word since 1984. Right from the onset he had a keen interest in end times Bible prophecy, and specifically the books of Daniel and Revelation. He has done something unique – that is tie the fulfillment of God’s annual festivals into the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. This missing puzzle piece has given a much deeper understanding to the specified time periods that will occur at the close of this earth’s history. Tom’s understanding is now being sought after by many all over the world. Contact Tom if you would like to sponsor an end times Bible prophecy seminar in your area.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION: What is the difference between the green book and the blue book?
The festivals are a revelation of God’s plan of salvation, therefore making them important to any church in any age, and the reason why He gave His people, Israel, His calendar.
The book Restoration of God’s Festivals (the green book) is a thorough investigation of the purpose in the festivals for God’s church today. This book was written primarily for those of Seventh-Day Adventist persuasion. It contains materials written by theologians from the SDA church to demonstrate that this was not contrary to the teachings of the church, but rather enhance the church’s teachings, especially the sanctuary doctrine. I am sad to say that this book has brought me into conflict with the leadership of the Adventist church. However, I felt that I must stand for Bible truth and not the teachings of any one denomination.
After writing this book, those who read it encouraged me to write a book for non-SDAs, those of any faith, omitting the SDA references. Hence, the book Reclaiming God’s Festivals (the blue book). This book is written strictly using the Bible with a little history thrown in to demonstrate that the early church continued to keep the festivals well into the fourth and fifth centuries AD. It shows that the Catholic Church was responsible for carrying forward the change in not only the Sabbath but the festivals of God, replacing them with their festivals in Sunday, Christmas, and Easter, and making them obligatory to the Catholic version of the New Testament Christian Church, which is in direct conflict with the Biblical version of the New Testament Christian Church.
So in short, the green book is designed for Seventh-Day Adventists, and the blue book is designed for Christians of any denomination.
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