PRODUCT CATEGORY: Books (Downloadable). Upon completion of your order, the download file will be available onscreen immediately. You will also receive a download link by email upon completion of your order. This title is no longer available in paperback format.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Is God’s Character solely defined by love or is His Character revealed through every true doctrine in His Word? Does God execute judgment by His own hand or is satan doing all of the destroying? If God does destroy, how can He remain righteous?
These are some of the questions addressed in Tom Stapleton’s investigation into a better understanding of The Character of God. There is a teaching that parallels universalism that is gaining ground in Christendom and Seventh-day Adventist churches that is addressed in this book. Citing contemporary Christian speakers, Seventh-day Adventist theologians, and primarily the Word of God, Stapleton thoroughly deciphers this controversial issue being discussed in the church today.
“I submit that there are some ominous parallels between the devil’s deception to Eve and the current interpretation that God will not fulfill His Word by executing judgment in His own hand,” says the author. “Those who teach these concepts are teaching contrary to God’s Word.”
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tom Stapleton has been a student and teacher of God’s word since 1984. Right from the onset he had a keen interest in end times Bible prophecy, and specifically the books of Daniel and Revelation. He has done something unique – that is tie the fulfillment of God’s annual festivals into the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. This missing puzzle piece has given a much deeper understanding to the specified time periods that will occur at the close of this earth’s history. Tom’s understanding is now being sought after by many all over the world. Contact Tom if you would like to sponsor an end times Bible prophecy seminar in your area.
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