Recorded January 22, 2025
How is time calculated in Scripture and prophecy? Join Tom Stapleton in an in-depth exploration of the prophetic time periods in the book of Daniel and their parallels in the book of Revelation.
By the end of this presentation, these prophetic timelines will be demystified, and readily able to be correctly understood. Examine whether these prophecies and their related time periods are literal or symbolic, and discover how Daniel understood them as he recorded them.
This teaching will equip you with a solid foundation to interpret the time periods in Daniel and Revelation.
Recorded August 7, 2024. Many believe and teach that Sunday laws are the next major prophetic event, especially within Seventh-day Adventist circles. But does this align with what the Bible truly reveals about the sequence of end-time events? How might this belief impact those who hold it? In this video, Tom Stapleton explores the end-time prophecies in the book of Daniel to reveal significant world events that must occur before Sunday laws are enforced. We’ll examine crucial biblical teachings that are often misapplied to history, despite clear warnings that these events pertain to the future, not the past. These prophecies provide vital insights into the prophetic timeline. Join us as we challenge popular beliefs and uncover the truth about what God’s Word says must happen first.
Recorded July 13, 2023. The Bible is full of example after example of key Biblical prophets, disciples, and apostles giving or citing a true prophecy, but applying a premature fulfillment to their day, even if the prophecy was, in some cases, referring to events that will transpire thousands of years into the future. They were indeed men ahead of their time. Join Tom as he shares the importance of understanding of how God leads prophets. Examples: Peter declared on the day of Pentecost that Joel’s prophecy had just been fulfilled, when 2000-years later Joel 2:28-32 is clearly still future. There are two dangers with this: Do we discard Peter because he prematurely applied prophecy that was clearly for the time of the end? Or do we discard the possibility of an end time fulfillment to what was clearly an end-of-time prophecy just because Peter declared a fulfillment in his time? Similarly, John the Baptist declared in Matthew 3:11-12 a number of events that were covering 3000 years (the first and second comings and the end of the millennium). But John spoke the prophecy as though it would all be fulfilled immediately by the Messiah. This was apparently how John understood them, and how his listeners would have interpreted John’s message. Again, do we discount John the Baptist (who Yeshua said was the greatest of the prophets) because what he said was going to happen didn’t, even as yet 2000 years later? Or do we stubbornly insist that those events already happened and refuse to look for a future fulfillment to much of what John said? Why does this matter? God never reveals all truth to any of His prophets, therefore leaving them with an incomplete understanding regarding the timing of the events foretold. If we demand from the prophets a perfect knowledge of not only events, but the timing of those events, we are in danger of resisting any teachings and their related warnings regarding the actual future fulfillment. To view on Rumble, click here.
July 15, 2023: Tom Stapleton looks at the founders of Seventh-day Adventism and their understanding that Daniel 8:14 concluded October 22, 1844. Just as the prophets of Scripture, 19th-century believers did the best they could to apply prophecies that they thought were for their day. The problem is that, like the Pharisees in the time of Yeshua, the SDA church leaders of today hold on to their interpretations and understandings as pillars of their faith, believing they were fulfillments when in fact they were merely applications of prophecy. Because of this, they continue to refuse to even consider the possibility that Daniel 7, 8, and 10-12 have a future fulfillment, despite the words of Yeshua in Matthew 24:15 and the declarations in Daniel 8:17, 19 and 10:14 that these visions are for the time of the end.
July 29, 2023: There was much dispute and controversy among the early Christian church. We can learn from Bible accounts about these arguments yet today. Tom looks at examples from Paul’s various experiences to show how to deal with controversy among brethren, and also the importance of being guided by the Holy Spirit. You may know that Tom was part of the Seventh-day Adventist church system for many years, until his Bible studies convinced him that they were wrong on two major topics: their understanding of prophecy and the observance of God’s festivals. Tom is now trying to reach out to Adventists (and all Christians and Messianic/Hebrew Roots believers) to show them that the prophecies of Daniel 7, 8, and 10-12 are still before us, and that the festival calendar is an important piece of understanding the prophetic puzzle. It is in this effort that an understanding of how to deal with others when controversy over Scripture arises has come to the forefront.
August 5, 2023: Scripture is full of warnings against deception, and unfortunately, online Bible teachings are full of deception as well. Knowing the voice of the True Shepherd is the only way we can hope to make it through the coming storm of persecution and deception. To make it to the kingdom, along the way you may need to trade in many misconceptions of what you think is established truth. In this weeks message, Tom Stapleton shares a fuller understanding of some common misunderstandings of things like “a day is as a thousand years”, or that the “day” of atonement is anything more than a literal day. He addresses the rapture, the reasons why we can know that Daniel’s timelines are literal days yet in the future, and what Revelation 1:1 “must shortly come to pass” actually means.
August 19, 2023: If someone told you everything that was going to happen in the next two weeks, and it happened exactly as they said, would you want to hear more? Would it increase your faith that what they told you next would also come to pass? This is the role of prophecy in the Bible. The more you study, and the better you understand the prophecies of the end time, the more currency you will have in your spiritual faith bank account. As you watch the prophecies unfold exactly as foretold, you will know that the promises of God will be sure, giving you the hope and faith you will most surely need when the time of trouble such as has never been arrives at your door. But if you fall into the false interpretations presented by most of Christianity that the books of Daniel and Revelation are all past, or if you spend all of your time looking at books of prophecy that were meant for ancient Israel when coming out of Babylon and trying to apply them to end times, your chances of surviving the tribulation decrease dramatically.
August 26, 2023: A well-known historical application of the 2300 “evenings and mornings” of Daniel 8:14 has been interpreted as days, and then extrapolated to mean years: 2300 years spanning from 457 BC to 1844 AD. Along this timeline, they add interpretations for other points along the timeline, including 538 AD and 1798 AD. Tom Stapleton gives a number of examples by comparing Scripture with this interpretation, to show that it simply does not work. Rather than holding on to an early effort to understanding the then-sealed prophecies of Daniel, Bible students who cling to the 1844 idea need to “prophesy again” (Revelation 10:11) so they do not miss out on the actual fulfillment of Daniel’s end-time prophetic timelines, which are yet in the future.
September 9, 2023: Tom Stapleton continues explaining various challenges and inconsistencies of the Adventist 1844 timeline. In this episode he gives up-close scrutiny of their charts and explanations, that when examined do not hold up to Scripture. The reason for this process is not to demean, belittle, or ridicule Adventists. Rather, they need to fully understand what they have claimed to believe just doesn’t work. Stay tuned, as the timelines will be explained in a way that does work, that will help both Adventists and the rest of believers in Yeshua understand what is coming before His return.
In the final segment from the Q&A series recorded December 23, Tom was asked a question about God’s glory and His character. This was in clarification to a newsletter article that had gone out the day before. (If you wish to receive our newsletter, you can sign up at The first question led to another question on how believers who study sincerely and pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance can come to opposite conclusions on what the Bible is teaching. An interesting conversation ensued, leading into how the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist church (specifically the annual festivals and the interpretation of prophecy) are in opposition to what the Bible teaches. Tom shared some of his personal experiences when his Bible studies led him to conclude that the SDA church was in error on these topics.
Filmed December 30, 2023. Seventh-day Adventists have what they call their sanctuary doctrine, which claims that Daniel 8:14 is the key to understanding that the pre-advent judgment began October 22, 1844. If, as we believe, this is a wrong interpretation of the end time prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, that means that an entire denomination is missing the real end time prophetic warnings that God wants them to have. We do this not to criticize or condemn, but rather to move people forward in their understanding.
Truth does not suffer from examination, so with that in mind, join us as we examine some of the different aspects of the 1844 sanctuary doctrine, to see why they do not add up. Today’s teaching shows that a judgment beginning in 1844 is in direct conflict with the idea that the little horn power, who was speaking when the judgment began, and was judged and punished after this judgment, ruled from 538 AD to 1798 AD.
The first part of the sanctuary doctrine is based on the idea that the Daniel 8:14 timing is tied to the timing of the prophecies in Daniel 9. We have thoroughly examined, and in our opinion disproved, that idea in an article that can be found here:
Recorded January 6, 2023
In part two of 1844 Under the Microscope, Tom Stapleton considers the Seventh-day Adventist idea that Daniel 7 is the same vision as Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 2. The Daniel 2 statue laid out the successive world powers from the time of Babylon to the Second Coming. SDAs interpret Daniel 7 as doing the same thing. However, in this video, Tom will give you a different perspective to consider: that instead of Daniel 7 replicating the entire Daniel 2 statue, Daniel 7 is a microscope on the ten toes from Daniel 2.
Why is this important? To start with Daniel 2, thousands of years must be accounted for. This fact is pointed to by SDAs as proof that the 2300 evenings and mornings of Daniel 8:14 must in fact be 2300 years. They state specifically that “the prophecy itself demands the day-year principle” (quoted from that they use. (That will be an upcoming topic of its own, although Tom does touch on it in this teaching.) However, when it is rightly understood as applying only to the toes, no such “day-year principle” is needed, and it also clarifies some glaring errors with the current SDA teaching on the ten toes.
Recorded December 30, 2023
It is a rare Sabbath-keeper and/or Feast-Keeper who has not had Colossians 2 thrown at them with the assertion that the feast days and weekly sabbath were “nailed to the cross”. This passage is rife with misunderstandings.
Who are the men in verses 4, 8, and 16? How does circumcision and baptism (verses 11-12) fit into the topic? What are the ordinances that were “against us”? What was nailed to the cross? Does being a “shadow of things to come” mean that the laws about food and drink, or the laws about appointed times, were done away with? Who does have a right to judge you on these matters?
By having a firm grasp on the context of verse 14, you will be prepared to give an answer to those who apply this text as their basis for judging you for your obedience to God’s laws. No matter what side of the discussion you are on, you will find this video rather interesting.