Christian groups and even ISIS are all awaiting the return of Yeshua/Jesus to Jerusalem, Israel. The Jews also awaiting their king’s arrival there; however, Yeshua said in Matthew 24:24, “…if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it.” All of us need to know the scriptures regarding the next temple deception and the abomination that causes desolation as spoken by Yeshua in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. To watch on Rumble, click here.
This question “Who is Israel?” comes to us because the Apostle Paul in Romans chapters 9 through 11 speaks of the nation of Israel in connection with salvation. He tells us “for they are not all Israel who are of Israel” (Romans 9:6) then in Romans 11:26 he tells us that “all Israel will be saved”. What does this mean?
This video presentation clearly demonstrates who, at the time of the end, is considered the Israel of God according to His Word and not man’s. If there is any question in your mind about who God considers Israel please take time to view this video; it is a step by step walk through the Bible making the answer to this question very clear.
One of the greatest prophecies foretelling the priesthood of the millennium is found in the sanctuary services of the temple. Are we looking forward for the restoration of the Levitical priesthood? Or, are we now forever under the original Melchizedek priesthood? This question will be answered by looking at the sacrificial system from the foundation of the world and through the past 6000 years. To watch on Rumble, click here.
Acts Chapter 15 is probably, if not the most, one of the most controversial chapters in all of the New Testament. Most of Christianity misreads this chapter and in so doing they discard most of what the prophets taught, most of what Jesus taught and stood for, most of what the Apostles lived and taught, and most of what Paul lived and taught. Paul was at center stage in this controversy in Acts 15 that threatened to divide the church. This chapter became known as the Jerusalem Council. It is believed by most Christians today that this one chapter does away with the Law of Moses, some would include the Ten Commandments in this, especially the fourth commandment; “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy . . .” This presentation puts these ideas to rest. To watch on Rumble, click here.
Recorded November 18, 2023.
Revelation 1:2 and 1:9 link “the word of God” and “the testimony of Yeshua”. What does this mean? How are these two things the identifying marks of the saved of Yeshua? Romans 11:26 assures that “All Israel will be saved.” Who is Israel? Join Tom Stapleton and his congregation as they discuss these ideas.
Building on part one, Tom Stapleton delves deeply into the second sign of God’s people at the end of time. Referring to Revelation 1:2 and 1:9, these two signs are “the word of God” and “the testimony of Yeshua”. What exactly is “the testimony of Yeshua”, and how does it manifest in God’s people at the end of time?
Recorded October 7, 2023.
Who are the 144,000, and when is their number made up? How do they fit in with those martyred in Revelation 6:10, or the great multitude in Revelation 7:9? How will their experience parallel the experience of Job? Join Tom Stapleton as he teaches on the sealing of God’s final people and the trials they will face for the last days on this earth prior to the Second Coming. This is part five of the end time series filmed during the 2023 Feast of Tabernacles.