To correctly interpret Bible prophecy, ask who said it, when, to who, and why. Then, ask less obvious, but equally important, questions. 

Many people interpret this verse as evidence of life carrying on during a millennium on earth. But is that actually what it says?

If you have felt overwhelmed by all of the many calendars in use within feast-keeping circles, the articles in the section may be able to give you a Biblical foundation for making the best effort to observe God’s appointed times in line with the example of Yeshua.

What is the “daily” that is taken away in the final timelines of Daniel? How long are “2300 evenings and mornings”? Years? Days? Or something else?

Where will we spend our 1000 years of peace – on earth or in heaven? How many reigns are there in the book of Revelation?

Many have been taught that the 2300 evenings and mornings of Daniel 8 begin at the start of the 70 weeks of Daniel 9. Let’s explore that idea. This is chapter 5 from our book Re-Examining 1844: A Better Understanding

Tom and Judy Stapleton have created a handout listing many ideas on how to come out of the city into community living. Topics include: Individual Preparation, Finding Community, Leadership, Mission Statement, Commune or Community, and resources for making up community rules and for interviewing potential community members. See the PDF guide here.

Do all marriages bring glory to God? Is getting a divorce a sin? Gain a better understanding of Biblical divorce and remarriage.

Are all of God’s promises sure, or do they have conditions attached? Is God obligated to keep a promise to a disobedient people?

The weight of Scriptural evidence does not support the baptismal “formula” of Matthew 28:19. What do we do with “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost”?

Tom responds to a question from a viewer, asking if the harlot in Revelation could be the Seventh-day Adventist church.

This article by Raymond F. Cottrell, D. Div. is a must-read for Seventh-day Adventists who have ever been challenged with the doctrine of October 22, 1844. We reference this article in our newest book Re-Examining 1844: A Better Understanding.

What can telescopes teach us about the shape of the earth, and more importantly, how do the heavens reveal the glory of God?

Should we be preparing to go to Bozrah to be gathered with Yeshua at the end of this age? What does Bozrah represent?

When interpreting the end-time timelines from Daniel chapters 7, 8, and 10-12, and repeated in Revelation, historicists (those who believe these prophetic events have happened in the past, as in the days of Alexander the Great) use a “day-year principle”. This is the idea that when interpreting time periods in symbolic prophecies, every day equals one year of literal time. But is it valid? If you have been taught that these prophecies all happened in the past, you are missing the greatest warning Our Father intended us to have for the events soon happening.